Friday, October 06, 2006

Some news..

So today I recieved an email from my aunt Trisha (I was living in north carolina with her and my uncle) So here are a couple of things that are going on:
Uncle joel has lung cancer, It spread to his liver and a couple of lymph nodes. I dont know this man very well. I spent christmas with and aunt sue a couple years ago. He seams really nice..When a family member is going threw something terrible like this you cant help but feel it. Even if you dont know them that well.
randpa has undergone some testing to see if he is a candidate for a pacemaker. I didnt even know his health was bad, but I guess thats my fault for not keeping in touch.
All night I have been thinking about this email, my family that I spent a year and a half with and now I dont talk to at all. How can I lose touch so easily with ppl I connected with and have helped me more than almost anyone? I feel terrible. Im going to try to keep in contact, I really am. Well its 1:30 so I should be getting to bed....

p.s. If anyone knows of a non retal job, let me know....The seach continues!!